
Getting Started
Downloading Installing Launching
My First Chick
Egg Grammar
Literals Functions Classes Conditionals Loops Types Errors
Creating .egg Files Opening .egg Files Configuring the Hatchery Themes
How to Incubate From Command Line Coming Soon
Example Projects
Language Packs

Language Packs

NOTICE: As of v.1.3.1 egg does not have any optional language packs, but they will be coming in a future update.

Language packs in egg allow you to easily switch out keywords for alternatives closer to real coding languages or closer to laymans terms. I.E. VAR x = 12; instead of int x =12; for newer programmers who aren't as familiar with typical coding language semantics.


Egg's system allows you to load language packs from other users presets, or create your own to replace keywords in the language to ease the learning curve. If you are looking for a more language based approach, or a n approach closer to languages like C++, we've got you covered.