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My First Chick
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Creating .egg Files Opening .egg Files Configuring the Hatchery Themes
How to Incubate From Command Line Coming Soon
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My First Chick

Below you'll find a few ways to print Hello World! This can be used to get you up and running with some of the basic utilities included in Egg. You don't need your code to be in any specific area for it to execute, as long as its not contained within and object and you call it in the main body of your code, that line will execute!

Printing Note: Using just print will print exactly whatever it is that you're printing, while using println will append an endline (\n) automatically to the end of the printed string.

println("Hello World!")

VAR hel_wor = "Hello World!"

DEF printFunc(arg_1){


Output: Hello World!

String concatenation is also fully supported, as pictured below.

VAR hel = "Hello"
VAR wor = "World!"

DEF printFunc(arg_1){

VAR hel_world = hel + wor

Output: Hello World!